Kalsey Smith, BA (H.KIN) C. Ped (C)


Kalsey’s interest in the Pedorthic profession was sparked during her undergrad, where she had the opportunity to visit a Gait Biomechanics Lab at a local hospital. She was hooked. She graduated from The University of Western Ontario in 2014 and received her Bachelor of Arts with Honours Specialization in Kinesiology. She then completed her Diploma in Pedorthics at Western University in 2015. Over the course of the program, Kalsey completed two of her practicums at Kimberly Rau and Associates, and is very excited to be a part of the KRA team.

As an athlete, Kalsey developed her love for sports and interest in Kinesiology. She was a competitive swimmer for 15 years and played Volleyball, Basketball, Discus/Shot-Put, and Badminton throughout her athletic career.

In her spare time, Kalsey enjoys swimming, weekend pick-up games, reading, and spending time with her family and friends.